
Our Mission Statement

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Contact Us

  • 1-779-333-67992
  • info@industrybusiness.com
  • 3042 Rotterdam, Netherlands; Van Noortwijcksingel


At the forefront of field engineering

R&D Activities

The group aims to provide a high level, innovative approaches to the solution of complex and challenging problems. The applied research give us the opportunity to offer our clients the latest ground engineering techniques, improving our designs, enabling them to solve these complexes and challenging problems.

As we said before we have a UNE 166002 system for the Research and Development projects and obtained the Innovative SME seal.

Previous projects

In the past we have collaborated and developed the following research projects:

Herramienta avanzada para la estandarización en la evaluación y gestión de Riesgos Naturales basada en Cartografía cuantitativa. “MODELRISK”. SUBPROGRAMA INNPACTO 2010-2014. Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación.

Underground Coal Gasification in operating mine and areas of high vulnerability (COGAR). RFC-PR-12005 – (2013-2016). Comisión Europea. DG XII. Download

Smarter Lignite Open Pit Engineering Solutions (SLOPES). RFCR-CT-2015-00001 – (2015-2018) Comisión Europea. DG XII. Download

Investigación para la mejora competitiva del ciclo de perforación y voladura en minería y obras subterráneas mediante la concepción de nuevas técnicas de ingeniería, explosivos, prototipos y herramientas avanzadas (TUÑEL). 2015-2018. Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial (CDTI).Download

Metodología avanzada basada en zonificación sísmica para evaluar y manejar la sismicidad en obras subterráneas (SYOS). 2017-2019. CONCYTEC.

Herramienta para la predicción de comportamiento del conjunto macizo-túnel mediante la gestión e interpretación de información geológico geotécnica de proyectos subterráneos (KNOWTUNNEL). 2017 – 2019

Projects awarded

We are currently working on the following projects:

Risk Assessment of Final Pits During Flooding. (RAFF). (2019 – 2022). RFCS. Download

The Impact of Extreme weather events on Mining operations. (TEXMIN). (2019 – 2022). RFCS. Download

From Mining Waste to Valuable Resource: New Concepts for a Circular Economy (MINRESCUE). RFCS. 2020-2023. Comisión Europea DG XII.

A human-centred internet of things platform for the sustainable mine of the future (Dig_IT). 2020-2024. Comisión Europea H2020.Download

Tunnel Advance Predictive System (PREDICTUNEL). 2022-2023. CORFO Chile

Tool for the management of geotechnical information and the design of support in tunnels through observational methods and advanced algorithms (HERSOS). 2022-2023. CONCYTEC Perú

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